Wednesday, May 14, 2008


May 14,2008
Great Club Night at the Bluewater Cruising Association! It's such an inspiration to look at the motley crew of modern day adventurers following in the tradition of Captain Cook. Not that any of us look particularly edible. What a gift to hear from those who have returned from the far reaches of the worlds oceans. Heroic true tales of Cape Horn storms are juxtaposed with the humorous tales of would be racing circumnavigators whose boats are still captive to the syren manana shores of Mexico.


Anonymous said...

Captain Cook eh? Just don't start a fight with the locals. It didn't go too well for him.

Eleanor said...

Enjoying your prepatory story Bill. The only solo salt water adventure I've ever experienced is taking our 17 ft Double Eagle across the straight twice. A small noisy challenge.

Godspeed to you and your crew on your crossing.
